UPPCS Pre Syllabus 2024: Check Exam Pattern & Important Books

In this article, we discussed UPPCS Pre syllabus in detail along with the recently changed pattern. Read further to know more about subject-wise detail syllabus of UPPCS Pre exam. 

UPPCS Pre Syllabus with Exam Pattern

Knowing your UPPCS Pre syllabus by heart is the most important trait of a serious candidate. In the long arduous journey of your preparation for the UPPCS examination your UPPCS syllabus is the only guide you have or can trust.

In UPPCS pre 2023 Examination almost 6 lakh students registered out of which 3,44,877 candidates appeared in the examination and only 4047 have qualified for the UPPCS Mains Examination. In such cut throat competition knowing your syllabus is the only way to ensure your selections. In this article we have discussed PCS Pre syllabus & exam pattern, last year cutoff, expected date of examination in detail. 

UPPCS Pre 2024 Syllabus

UPPCS Pre examination 2024 was scheduled on 17 March 2024 but due to logistical issues post RO/ARP Paper leak it was extended indefinitely. Recently the Uttar Pradesh Public Service commission has declared the tentative date of examination for UPPCS Pre on October 27,2024

Also Read: UPPSC PCS Syllabus 2024

UPPCS Exam Pattern 

The competitive examination for the Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination aka UP PCS examination comprises three successive stages viz. 

Stage of Examination Nature of Question Number of PapersNegative Marking Remark
Preliminary examination or UPPCS Pre Exam Objective Type & Multiple choiceGeneral studies paper 1, 200 Marks  General Studies Paper 2 aka CSAT, 200 Marks Both papers have provision of negative marking. 1/3 marks is deducted as penalty for each wrong answer Though UPPCS Pre Exam have total weightage of 400 But CSAT Paper 2 is only qualifying so effective marks is 200. Only the score in this GS paper 1 is used to determine the UPPCS Pre Result to screen the eligible candidates for UPPCS Mains examination
Mains ExaminationWritten examinationGeneral Hindi, 150 marksEssay, 150 Marks General Studies (GS) paper 1, 200 Marks GS Paper 2, 200 Marks GS Paper 3, 200 Marks GS Paper 4, 200 Marks GS Paper 5, 200 Marks GS Paper 6, 200 Marks General Hindi is only qualifying but nonetheless most important paper, if a candidate fail to qualify this paper his remaining paper will not be evaluated. Merit for mains is determined only on the basis of marks score by candidates in essay and GS Paper 
Interview/ Personality TestViva -voce100 Marks 

UPPCS Pre Syllabus: General Studies Paper 1

The UPPCS Pre examination 2024 consists of two papers. Each paper shall be of 200 marks and of two hours duration. Both the papers shall be objective Type & multiple choice in which there shall be 150-100 questions Respectively. 

  1. General Studies Paper 1
  2. Paper 2 aka CSAT  
Name of Subject Subtopic of UP PCS Pre Syllabus
Current events of national and international importanceOn this subject candidate are expected to have knowledge about recent nation and international development related to PolityGovernanceWelfare Scheme, especially mention in Budget and economic SurveyEconomic DevelopmentDevelopment in the field of Science and Technology (space, medicine, etc.)Act, policy and summit related to Environment and climate changeNational and internation sports events Award and Prize, Etc. 
History of India and Indian National MovementIn UPPCS History syllabus emphasis should be on broad social, economic and political understanding of Indian History. In the Indian National Movement, the candidates are expected to know the nature and character of the freedom movement, growth of nationalism, various stage of development of Indian nationalism and attainment of Independence. Candidates are advised to go through following topics Salient feature of Art, Architecture, Dance and literatureAncient India covering events from Early Paleolithic to Decline of Harhsa.Medieval India covering events from Rise of Pala, Pratihara and Gujjar to Coming of EuropeansFollowing topic in Modern India Advent of European British ExpansionAdministration before 1857Economic Policies of The BritishImpact of British AdministrationRevolt Of 1857Administrative change after 1857Development of civil services Development of education Development of PressSocio – Religious Movement Peasant, Tribal and Other movement Revolutionary Movement National Movement from 1905 – 1947Governor Generals of India 
India and World geographyIn UPPCS Geography syllabus candidates are expected to have general understanding of the Physical, Social & Economic Geography of India and the world. In the world geography candidates need to focus on regions in conflict. General Geography such as Evolution of earth, Evolution of universe, Planets, satellite Interior of the earth Rock and Rock Cycle Earthquakes, Volcano, Tsunami Important features created by wind, running water, glaciers, ocean wave Ocean current, Tides and Coral Reef Earth Atmosphere Planetary wind pattern and Pressure Belt Local wind, etc 
Indian Polity and governanceUPPCS Pre Polity Syllabus 2024 demanded general understanding of following  Evolution of constitutionSalient feature of Indian ConstitutionEmergency Provision Union ExecutiveState Executive Functioning of Parliament and state legislature Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI) and Urban local Bodies Supreme Court and High Court Constitutional Bodies as Election commission, CAG, AG, State election commission, etc. 
Economic and Social DevelopmentThis section requires general understanding of Indian Economy and Important features of Indian Economy. Such as Budget and Economic Survey Various welfare scheme Inflation and Related concept Money and Banking Planning and Five Years Plan Multilateral Institution India’s Export and Import 
Environment, Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate ChangeQuestion of this topic is asked to assess basic/ definitional understanding of Key concept related to environment and ecology as Basic concept/ definition of ecology, ecosystem, environment, ecosystem functions, Biomagnification, Bioaccumulation, Pollution and Pollutants Climate Change, Various treaty and convention related to climate change, biodiversity and pollutions Important Institutions related to Environment
General ScienceBased on previous years question observation we have come to conclusion that questions on General science and asked to assess the elementary understanding of Basic Scientific Process and their day-to-day Applications. Physics Chemistry Biology Latest satellite launch by ISRO Inter planetary mission of ISRO and NASA Disease and vaccine in News Latest development in the field of communication and mobile technology, Etc
State Special This topic is not explicitly mentioned in the syllabus but in recent years question have been asked from this topic in UPPCS Pre Exams Geography of UP Historical background of state of UP Art and Culture of UP Tribes and Social Customs Polity and Governance of UP Economy of UP

Also Read: UP PCS J Syllabus

UP PCS Prelims Syllabus Paper 2/ UPPCS CSAT Syllabus 

Paper-II of the UPPCS Preliminary Examination will be a qualifying paper. This paper consists of 100 questions each carrying 2 marks. There is also a provision of 1/3rd Negative marking. Minimum qualifying marks are fixed at 33%. It is mandatory for the candidates to appear in both the papers. 

Name of subject Subtopic 
Mathematics Basic understanding of elementary mathematics up to class 10. It includes following topics 1. Arithmetic:- Number systems: Natural Numbers, Integers, Rational and Irrational numbers, Real numbers, Divisors of an Integer, prime Integers, L.C.M. and H.C.F. of integers and their Interrelationship. Average Ratio and proportion Percentage Profit and Loss Simple and Compound Interests Work and Time Speed, Time and Distance 2. Algebra:- Factors of polynomials, L.C.M. and H.C.F. of polynomials and their Interrelationship, Remainder theorem, simultaneous linear equations, quadratic equations. Set Theory:- Set, null set, subsets and proper subsets of a set, operations (Union, Intersections, difference, symmetric difference) between sets, venn diagram. 3. Geometry:-  I. Constructions and theorems regarding triangle, rectangle, square, trapezium and circles, their perimeter and area. II. Volume and surface area of sphere, right circular cylinder, right circular Cone and Cube. 4. Statistics:- Collection and Classification of data, FrequencyFrequency distribution TabulationCumulative frequencyRepresentation of data – Bar diagram, Pie chart, histogram, frequency polygon, cumulative frequency curves (ogives), Measures of Central tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Median and Mode.
General English Upto Class X Level1. Comprehension 2. Active Voice and Passive Voice 3. Parts of Speech 4. Transformation of Sentences 5. Direct and Indirect Speech 6. Punctuation and Spellings 7. Words meanings 8. Vocabulary & Usage 9. Idioms and Phrases 10. Fill in the Blanks
General Hindi हिंदी वर्णमाला, विराम चिन्हशब्द रचना, वाक्य रचना, अर्थशब्द-रूपसंधि, समासक्रियायेंअनेकार्थी शब्दविलोम शब्दपर्यायवाची शब्दमुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँतत्सम एवं तद्भव, देशज, विदेशी (शब्द भंडार)वर्तनीअर्थबोधहिन्दी भाषा के प्रयोग में होने वाली अशुद्धियाँउ.प्र. की मुख्य बोलियाँ
Interpersonal Skill and communication 
Logical and Analytical Reasoning Alphanumeric seriesAnalogiesCoding Decoding Blood RelationsCalendarsClocksCubes and cuboidsDirectionsOdd One Out Puzzles, Order and Ranking  Seating arrangement Pattern Series and SequencesOrder & Ranking

Important Books for UP PCS Pre Examination 

In this section of the article, we have provided a list of Important Books for Preparation of UP PCS Pre 2024 based on some previous year’s toppers but this list and not exhaustive. The preparation for competitive examination is very personal affair what work for a candidates might not work for the other candidates, so we advised the candidates to uses our recommendations of Books for UPPCS Pre with due diligence. 

Name of the Subject Name of the Books 
Current events of national and international importanceChronical monthly Drishti annual edition Ghatna saar half yearly edition 
History of India and Indian National MovementGhatna Chakra Preview  NCERT preferably old oneSpectrum for Modern India 
India and World geographyGhatna Chakra Preview NCERT Geography from class 6 to 12 
Indian Polity and governanceGhatna Chakra Preview Indian Polity by M. Laxmikant Topic in News from Internet 
Economic and Social DevelopmentGhatna Chakra Preview Budget and Economic Survey of Both Government of Indian and UP StateNCERT class 11 Macro Economy and Indian Economic Development Mrunal YouTube Free Lecture 
Environment, Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate ChangeGhatna Chakra Preview Class 12 Biology Unit 5 
General ScienceGhatna Chakra Preview Lucent Science 
State Special Any books of your choice 

Also Read: UPSSSC Forest Guard Syllabus

It is obvious from above information that preparation for UPPCS is a daunting task but very much achievable, if a candidate follows the right strategy and mustered enough will. I advised the candidates to stick to their sources, one must not juggle between various examination, you need to be Arjuna of Mahabharat who focuses only eyes of the fish.

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