Radio Operator Syllabus 2024: Check UP Police Radio Operator Exam Pattern

General overview of Radio Operator Syllabus and Examination Pattern: The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment & Promotion Board had invited the application for Radio operator post in 2022 the examination of which was conducted in the second last month of 2023. In order to effectively prepare, a candidate needs to know two things: the examination syllabus of Radio Operator and its exam pattern. In this post, we have provided the same.

Radio Operator Syllabus for UP Police

The syllabus of Radio Operator consists of topics such as general Hindi, GK, and General science, Numerical and Mental ability and Mental Apptitude/ Reasoning/ Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test. The syllabus of Radio Operator UP is divided into 4 papers each consists of 100 marks. A Candidates appearing for the radio operator exam need to secure at least 50 % marks in each subject to qualify for the first stage of the examination. The name of the subject and respective marks they carry is presented in a table below.

S. N Name of Paper Maximum Marks 
1.General Hindi100 Marks 
2.General science and general knowledge  100 Marks 
3.Numerical and Mental ability 100 Marks
4.Mental Apptitude/Reasoning/Intelligence Quotient100 Marks 

UP Radio Operator Syllabus: General Hindi

UP radio operator syllabus of Hindi is though very extensive nonetheless it is important in the sense that const benefit ratio is very good. It requires to read only a few books like Hindi Grammer of Basudev Nandan Prasad and Aditya Hindi books.

  1. हिन्दी और अन्य भारतीय भाषायें, 
  2. हिन्दी व्याकरण का मौलिक ज्ञान हिन्दी वर्णमाला
  3. तद्भव-तत्सम
  4. पर्यायवाची
  5. विलोमअनेकार्थक
  6. वाक्यांशों के स्थान पर एक शब्द
  7. समरूपी भिन्नार्थक शब्द
  8. अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्ध करना
  9. लिंग
  10. बचन
  11. कारक
  12. सर्वनाम
  13. विशेषण
  14. क्रिया
  15. काल
  16. वाच्य
  17. अव्यय
  18. उपसर्ग
  19. प्रत्यय
  20. सन्धि
  21. समास
  22. विराम चिन्ह
  23. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तिया
  24. रस, छन्द, अलकार आदि, 
  25. अपठित बोध
  26. प्रसिद्ध कवि, लेखक एवं उनकी प्रसिद्ध रचनायें
  27. हिन्दी भाषा में पुरस्कार, 
  28. विविध 

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UPP Radio Operator Syllabus: General science and general knowledge

General science and general knowledge syllabus for UP Radio operator is very extensive nonetheless it is very important. It requires study of books such as lucent science, GK and Current affairs to get a good score in this section of UUP radio operator syllabus.

General scienceUnit, measurement and dimension Scalar and vector quantity Force Law of motion Work PowerEnergy Rotational motion Motion of planet and satellite Water Electrochemistry Organic compound, polymer and plastic GravityElectrostatics, Electrical Potential, and Electric CurrentMagnetismElectrostatic Induction and Alternating CurrentsElectromagnetic WavesElectronic DevicesCommunication Systems
General knowledgeGeneral Science, Health and Health SciencesHistory of IndiaIndia’s Freedom StruggleIndian Economy and CultureIndian AgricultureCommerce and TradePopulationEnvironment and UrbanizationFDI (Foreign Direct Investment)World Geography and Geography of India Natural ResourcesCurrent Issues of National and International ImportanceSpecial Information regarding Education Culture and Social Customs of Uttar Pradesh, Revenue, Police and General Administrative System in Uttar Pradesh, Relations between India and its Neighboring Countries Basic knowledge of computer skillsBasic/Basic knowledge of Information and Communication Technology, Social Media Communication  

UP Police Radio Operator Syllabus: Numerical and Mental Ability

UPP Radio operator syllabus for numerical and mental ability consists of questions from mathematics such as number system, simplification, HCF, LCF, etc. and Mental ability test which aim to test interpretation and logical skill of candidates. The UP policeradio operator syllabus consists of following subtopics:

Numerical Ability Test

  1. Number System
  2. Simplification
  3. Decimals and Fraction
  4. Highest common factor
  5. Lowest common multiple
  6. Ratio and Proportion
  7. Percentage
  8. Profit and Loss
  9. Discount
  10. Simple interest
  11. Compound interest
  12. Partnership
  13. Average
  14. Time and Work
  15. Time and Distance
  16. Use of tables and Graphs
  17. Menstruation
  18. Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions
  19. Miscellaneous.

Also Read:
UPP Document Verification
UPP Constable Reservation Policy
UP Police Constable Selection Process

B- Mental Ability Test

  1. Logical Diagrams
  2. Symbol-Relationship Interpretation
  3. Perception Test
  4. Word Formation Test
  5. Letter and number series
  6. Word and alphabet Analogy
  7. Common Sense Test
  8. Direction Sense Test
  9. Logical interpretation of data
  10. Forcefulness of argument
  11. Determining implied meanings

UP Radio Operator Syllabus: Mental Aptitude/ Reasoning/Intelligence Quotient

This section of UP Radio Operator Syllabus consists of topics from reasoning such as mental ability, PI, Law and order, Communal harmony etc, aim to test the response of prospective police candidates of various situation they face. This section also contains topics from reason section such as Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense test, relation test

  1. Mental Ability Test
  2. Public Interest
  3. Law & Order
  4. Communal Harmony
  5. Crime Control
  6. Rule of Law
  7. Ability of Adaptability
  8. Professional Information (Basic level)
  9. Police System
  10. Contemporary Police Issues & Law and order
  11. Basic Law
  12. Interest in Profession
  13. Mental Toughness
  14. Sensitivity towards minorities and underprivileged
  15. Gender sensitivity

B. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Test

  1. Relationship and Analogy Test
  2. Spotting out the dissimilar
  3. Series Completion test
  4. Coding-Decoding test
  5. Direction Sense Test
  6. Blood Relation
  7. Problems based on the alphabet
  8. Time sequence test
  9. Venn diagram and chart type test
  10. Mathematical ability test
  11. Arranging in order

C. Reasoning test

  1. Analogies
  2. Similarities
  3. Differences
  4. Space visualisation
  5. Problem-solving
  6. Analysis and judgement
  7. Decision-making
  8. Visual memory
  9. Discrimination
  10. Observation
  11. Relationship
  12. Concepts
  13. Arithmetic reasoning
  14. Verbal and figure classification
  15. Arithmetical number series
  16. Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships
  17. Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions

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UP D.El.Ed. Syllabus
UP APO Syllabus 2024
UP PGT Syllabus

Radio Operator Exam Pattern 2024

As per the radio operator Syllabus of UP Police, the question paper for the examination will be divided into four sections.

  1. General Hindi
  2. Basic act/constitution, general knowledge, Current affair
  3. Numerical and Mental ability
  4. Mental Apptitude/Reasoning/Intelligence Quotient

The Radio operator UP examination will be conducted in online Mode. The total number of questions will be 200 each carrying 2 marks thus the total mark will 400. There will be no negative marking.

The Subject wise breakup of number of questions is not been given by the commission we shall let you know the moment UPPRB notify the number of question from each section.

Radio Operator UP syllabus: Exam Pattern and Qualification
Subject NameMarksComposite Time
General Hindi1002.5 hours
General science and General Knowledge100
Numerical and Mental Ability Test100
Mental Apptitude/ Reasoning/ Intelligence Quotient100

Note: Candidates need to secure at least 50 % marks or 50 marks in each subject, irrespective of total marks you obtain in UP Police radio Operator written examination to be qualified for the next round.

Also Read:
UPP Constable Answer Key
UP Police Constable Physical Eligibility
UP Police Constable Expected CutOff


Radio operator is a bit of technical Job that require like any other examination syllabus better understanding of syllabus. In this post we have given the elaborated syllabus of UP Radio operator and its examination pattern. We are hopeful that candidates may find out post helpful.

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