Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission is expected to release the vacancy for the UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari in the month of August 2024. Candidates may read further to learn more about the latest syllabus of the UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari based on 2023 session.

UPSSSC Gram Panchayat Adhikari Mains Syllabus: The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission conducts the examination for the post of UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari 2024 or UPSSSC VDO (Village Development Officer) for the candidates who have qualified the UP PET 2024 (Preliminary Elegibility Test). The UPSSSC introduced the PET examinations in November 2020 to grant preliminary provisional eligibility to candidates to sit in various subordinate service examinations. The UP PET score is valid for one year.
Qualifying for the UP PET examination is a prerequisite for applying for the UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari 2024 or UP VDO 2024 examinations.
UPSSSC Gram Panchayat Adhikari Mains Syllabus
According to the latest official communiqué, the UPSSSC VDO syllabus is similar to the syllabus notified by the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission on September 13, 2023. UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari mains syllabus is divided into three parts
- Part 1: History of Panchayati Raj, Constitutional Provisions, etc
- Part 2: Knowledge of Computers, Information, and Technology
- Part 3: General Information Related to the State of Uttar Pradesh
The details of the syllabus are given below in tabular format. Candidates can also download the syllabus in both English and Hindi in PDF format by clicking on the link below.
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UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari Mains Syllabus: Part 1
i. History of Panchayati Raj system and constitutional provisions regarding them | Traditional Panchayats and British Era Panchayat SystemPanchayati Raj System after Independence, Committees formed for the strengthening of Panchayati Raj System Uttar Pradesh Panchayati Raj ActConstitutional basis of Panchayati Raj system and constitutional provisions, Arrangements and important amendments related to Panchayati Raj system in the state of Uttar Pradesh. |
ii. Present Form of Panchayats (in the context of the state of Uttar Pradesh) | Legislative provision, Form and powers of Panchayat institutions, Election/reservation system in PanchayatsRole of State Election Commission in Panchayat ElectionConstitution of Gram Panchayats/Committees of PanchayatsRights, Responsibilities, and Duties of Gram Panchayats in the context of Uttar Pradesh, Panchayati Raj System: Challenges and Solutions. |
iii. Financial sources and action plan of Panchayats | Taxes & cess collected at the panchayat level and other sources of income. Structure, powers, and activities of the State Finance CommissionCentral Finance Commission and its role in financial empowerment of Panchayat Institutions, Performance Grant Scheme of the Central GovernmentGram Panchayat Development PlanSteps taken by the government of Uttar Pradesh for financial empowerment of Panchayats. |
iv. Measures to strengthen the Panchayati Raj system | Panchayat Citizen CharterPanchayat Secretariat/Gram Secretariat and role of Panchayat SahayakCo-establishment of Common Service Center in Panchayat BhavanImplementation of Public Welfare Schemes at Panchayat levelEstablishment of e-Governance in PanchayatsFamily Register and Birth – Death Registration. |
v. Rural Development Schemes and Programs (in the context of state of Uttar Pradesh) | Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA), Swachh Bharat Mission and Rural Drinking Water Scheme (Phase-1 & Phase2)Rural Health SchemesOther schemes and Programs in rural areas run by Government of India, Panchayati Raj Department and other departments of Government of Uttar Pradesh. |
vi. Role of Village Panchayat Officers in the development of Rural Areas | Role as Secretary of the Gram Panchayat, as Birth and Death Registration Officer, Role in making Adarsh Gram Panchayat, Role in making Self-Reliant Gram Panchayat. |
UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari Mains Syllabus: Part 2
Knowledge of computers and information technology | Introduction of computers and information technology, knowledge of HardwareSoftwareoperating systemSpreadsheetE-mailsocial networkingE-governancedigital financial tools and applications, Internet and World Wide Web (WWW). Introduction, future skills, and overview of cyber security, elements of word processing, technological development and innovation in the field of computer and information technology Artificial IntelligenceBig Data ProcessingDeep learningMachine learningInternet of ThingsIndia’s achievements in this field. |
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UPSSSC Gram Panchayat Adhikari Mains Syllabus: Part 3
General information related to the state of Uttar Pradesh | History of Uttar Pradesh: HistoryCultureArtArchitectureFestivalsFolk DanceLiteratureRegional LanguagesHeritageSocial customs and Tourism, Geographical Landscape and Environment Natural ResourcesClimateSoilForests and Wildlife, Mines And MineralsEconomy Of Uttar Pradesh, Agriculture, Industry, Business and Employment, Polity, AdministrationCurrent Events and Achievements Of Uttar Pradesh In Various Fields. |
UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari Mains Exam Pattern
After understanding in detail, the main syllabus of UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari, we will now look at the examination pattern as notified by the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission in 2023, dated September 23. As per the latest information, the scheme of the examination for UP VDO is similar to that mentioned in the official notification of 2023.
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The examination for the UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari/ UP VDO will be conducted in a single sitting. The examination consists of 100 objective-type, multiple-choice questions to be answered in 2 hours. There is also a provision for negative marking. 1/4th of a question will be deducted as a penalty for each wrong answer.
The subjects of examination, number of questions, total marks prescribed and given time will be as per the details given below.
Part | Subject | Number of Questions | Total Marks | Time period |
Part 1 | i. History of Panchayati Raj system and Constitutional provisions regarding them | 10 | 10 | 120 Minutes (2 Hours) |
ii. Present Form of Panchayats (in the context of state of Uttar Pradesh) | 10 | 10 | ||
ii. Financial sources and action plan of Panchayats | 10 | 10 | ||
iv. Measures to strengthen the Panchayti Raj system | 05 | 05 | ||
v. Rural Development Schemes and Programs (in the context of state of Uttar Pradesh) | 20 | 20 | ||
vi.Role of Gram Panchayat Officers in the development of rural areas | 10 | 10 | ||
Part 2 | Knowledge of concepts of computer and information technology and contemporary technology development and innovation in this field | 15 | 15 | |
Part 3 | General information related to the state of Uttar Pradesh | 20 | 20 | |
TOTAL | 100 | 100 |
The UP Gram Panchayat Adhikari/ UP VDO examination is expected in the month of September 2024. A candidate who has qualified UPSSSC PET examination 2024 and hold a “O Level” computer certificate can apply for this post. We have given the detail of the syllabus in this post. Candidates are advised to keep themselves updated either through following the official website of through regularly visiting this page.
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